Missouri State University-West Plains is happy you have chosen to continue your education at our campus. As your first step toward college success, you need to attend one of the STAR orientations. The program is designed to assist you in the transition to college. Please read the below information carefully:
STAR is required of all new students.
STAR attendance is limited; register early for your chosen date.
Before attending one of the STAR orientations, the following items need to be completed:
You have to be admitted to Missouri State University-West Plains.
If you have not yet received a letter from admissions stating you have been admitted or are unsure of your status, please call admissions
(417) 255-7955 to verify.
You must have had your high school transcripts, HiSET® or GED certificate sent to Missouri State University-West Plains.
Missouri State University-West Plains must have your ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer placement score(s) on file.
You can schedule placement testing through Missouri State University-West Plains by calling Testing Services at
(417) 255-7943.
Please register at least three days prior to the STAR date you'd like to attend in order to reserve your spot and to receive a confirmation. If you have any questions about STAR orientation, please call the Office of Advising and Academic Support at
(417) 255-7222.
Click Continue to register online for a STAR session or call
(417) 255-7222.